All Speakers

KIM Jin-pyo

Speaker of the Second Half of the 21st National Assembly, 2022-Present

KIM Jin-pyo
Title Citizens Ask, Lawmakers Answer
Times of the Remarks 2022.11.03 10:05-10:20

Kim Jin-pyo earned his undergraduate degree in law from Seoul National University and a master’s in public policy at the University of Wisconsin. He passed the civil service exam in 1973 and began a long career in public service, including roles such as deputy director general of the Ministry of Finance and Economy, head of the taxation department of the Ministry of Finance, and deputy minister of the Ministry of Finance and Economy. He served as Senior Presidential Secretary of State Affairs Planning under the Kim Dae-jung Administration and successfully led the hosting of the 2002 FIFA World Cup Korea/Japan. He was vice chair of the Presidential Transition Committee for the Roh Moo-hyun administration, in which capacity he contributed to laying the foundation for President Roh’s “Participatory Government.” In 2003, he was appointed to serve as the first Minister of Finance for the Roh admistration and drove numerous economic reforms. In 2005, he was appointed deputy prime minister of education and oversaw initiatives for educational reform. In 2008, he served as Member of the Supreme Council for the Democratic Party, and in 2011, he became floor leader for the Democratic Party. In 2017, he was appointed Chair of the Presidential Advisory Commission on Planning State Affairs for the newly elected Moon Jae-in Administration, in which capacity he helped lay the groundwork for the new administration. He is a five-term lawmaker (17th to 21st) and was elected Speaker of the Second Half of the 21st National Assembly. Major publications include Job Creation, Why Do Politics?, Kim Jin-pyo: Changing the World One Step At A Time, South Korea’s Best Public Servant, and Hope for the Korean Economy (translated titles).

<Constitutional Reform: Opening the Way to A Better Democracy>
For the Republic of Korea to achieve its next breakthrough, we must move beyond our current politics of division, strife, and conflict-making to a politics of cooperation to solve problems. The current winner-takes-all political system must be changed to a collaborative political system, and a new era of truly impactful democracy must be ushered in. To this end, Speaker Kim Jin-pyo proposes constitutional reforms based on broad consensus to unite the Korean people around this common goal.

(2022-Present) Speaker of the Second Half of the 21st National Assembly, 2022-Present
(2004-Present) Member of the 17th to 21st National Assemblies, (Suwon 5th District, Gyeonggi Province, 5th term)
(2017) Chairman, Presidential Advisory Commission on Planning State Affairs under the Moon Jae-in Administration
(2011-2012) Floor Leader, Democratic Party
(2005-2006) Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Education and Human Resources Development
(2003-2004) Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Finance and Economy