Coexistence - Technology, Humanity and Great Hope for the Future

Date : 2012. 05. 22~24 / Location : Sheraton Grande Walkerhill Hotel Seoul, Korea
Protecting the Tools of Publicness


Visionary : Jeff JARVIS [Professor Graduate School of Journalism, The City University of New York / Author, What Would Google Do? and Public Parts]

The Internet enables us to find, form, and act as publics. It is our greatest tool of publicness since the Gutenberg press. And it needs our protection. As the net gains power and enables the disruption of powerful institutions, those institutions are trying to regulate it under the guise of piracy, privacy, decency, security and even civility.
But the net is too young, too new to constrain to our old worldviews. Conventional wisdom has it that we are undergoing change at a lightning pace, but what if, instead, this change we are experiencing is occurring very slowly - what if we are at the bare beginning of the disruption, and we cannot even imagine its full scope and shape?
The first major institutions the net has disrupted are media and journalism, and they are just beginning to learn how to find and use opportunities to collaborate with the public, find new efficiencies and help communities inform themselves. Retail, government, manufacturing, even universities are just beginning to undergo similar disruption.
We must have a discussion about the principles of a new and open society and the tools that enable it, so we can secure our freedom to innovate and grow.